The recent discovery of gravitational waves will allow in the following years an unprecedented view of previously invisible parts of the Universe. This will unravel the physics of the most compact stars, the neutron stars, which are unique objects whose emission encompasses all the available multi-messenger tracers: electromagnetic waves, cosmic rays, neutrinos, and gravitational waves. These relativistic stars are also unique laboratories where not only the most extreme gravity and electromagnetism can be probed, but also the strong and weak interaction can be studied in regimes that have no hope of being explored on Earth. The study of these objects transcends the traditional astrophysical approach and requires a multidisciplinary effort that spans from particle and nuclear physics to astrophysics, from experiment to theory, from gravitational waves to the electromagnetic spectrum. The COST Action PHAROS (CA16214) has the ambitious goal of attacking key challenges in the physics involved in neutron stars by facing them via an innovative, problem based approach, focussing on current, and new, data and experiments, and that hinges on interdisciplinary Working Groups. This is the first big conference we organize within the PHAROS project, and it is funded by COST. Aim of this conference is to merge inter-disciplinary expertise within the astrophysics, nuclear and gravitational physics community, to create an interactive background to study neutron stars in all their most diverse aspects.
Invited Speakers
Michalis Agathos (Cambridge University)
Miguel Angel Aloy (Univesity of Valencia)
Nils Andersson (University of Southampton)
Michal Bejger (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center)
Maria Grazia Bernardini (INAF - Brera Observatory)
Arianna Carbone (ECT Trento)
Francesco Coti Zelati (CSIC-IEEC Barcelona)
Cristobal Espinoza (University of Santiago, Chile)
Anthea Fantina (GANIL, Caen)
Konstantinos Gourgouliatos (Durham University)
Jerome Guilet (CEA, Saclay)
Alice Harding (NASA)
Jason Hessels (University of Amsterdam)
Elena Kantor (Ioffe Institute)
Evan Keane (SKA Center)
Michael Kramer (Max Planck Bonn)
Simon Johnston (CSIRO, Australia)
Paola Leaci (La Sapienza University)
Katie Maguire (Queen's University Belfast)
Micaela Oertel (LUTH Meudon)
Alessandro Papitto (INAF - Rome Observatory)
Andreas Schmitt (University of Southampton)
Diego F. Torres (CSIC-IEEC, ICREA)
Anna Watts (University of Amsterdam)
Meeting Venue
The meeting will be held on April 22-26, 2019 in Platja d' Aro, near Barcelona (Spain) at the Hotel Cap Roig.
Accommodation (NEW!)
We have pre-booked the hotel rooms depending on the registration info that all participants have provided (check the Participant List to be sure you are listed in our system). There is no need to do anything else than arriving at the Hotel, doing the check-in and paying at the check-out (Double room: ~78€ per night/pp; Single room: ~96€ per night). PhD students have been assigned double rooms, following your sharing requests when available. Prices include breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Timetable of the PHAROS Conference Events (NEW!)
- Monday, April 22nd at 19:30: Welcome cocktail.
- Tuesday, April 23rd at 21:00: Keynote Speech by Luciano Rezzolla (followed by free drinks).
- Wednesday, April 24th at 20:00: Conference Dinner
- Thursday, April 25th at 20:00: Young Researchers' Dinner (followed by free drinks).
- Friday, April 26th at 11:30: Best PhD and Young Post-Doc Talk Prize .
Transportation (NEW!)
The Hotel can be reached by bus from Barcelona and Girona (see Here for more details). Buses have been organized for the participants requesting this service. Please check the link you have received via email on Wed, April 10th, to check whether you are registered in the Bus lists.
-- Barcelona Airport Terminal1 bus station:
There will be two buses that will leave at 16:30 and 17:30 sharp. LOC contact persons: Francesco Coti Zelati (+39 3401016655) and Stefano Carignano (+34 644982684). From the Airport Arrivals in the Terminal1, go toward the bus station (1 level down, where also taxis are). You will find there the buses and the LOC with the PHAROS T-shirts.
-- Barcelona center Estació del Nord bus station:
There will be one bus that will leave at 16:30. LOC contact person: Enrique Mestre (+34 610856584). The train station Estació del Nord is located in the city center, close to the Arc de Triomf. In the bus station you will find the LOC with the PHAROS T-shirts.
-- Girona Airport
There are very few people arriving at Girona Airport, which is a very small airport with little possibility of confusion. One small bus or car will be waiting for you outside with the PHAROS logo and T-shirt. The bus or car will leave at 17:30.
We have organized a child care service. Registration is now closed for this service.
Conference Fee (NEW!)
The registration fee is 100€ (in cash at arrival). Registration fee is waived only for all Master students, and PhD students from COST ITC and NNC countries (check the list here).
Best PhD and Young Post-Doc Talk Prizes (NEW!)
We have set a jury that will award two prizes for the best PhD student and Young Post-Doc (< 5 yr after defence) talks, with the aim of awarding the best one in each category. The Prizes will be a glass engraved plaque, and a monetary award. The Award Ceremony will be on Friday morning. You can sign-up for it during Registration.
Presentations (NEW!)
Speakers are welcome to use their own laptops. If needed there will be also a computer in the room with Acrobat and Office installed. Please make sure you have tried your presentation 10 minutes before your session starts. The LOC and your Session Chair will help you with that.
e-Posters (NEW!)
The awarded E-posters will be displayed on the main screen in a loop of 2minutes each, during all Coffee Breaks. Please send your e-Poster slide (in pdf, 4:3 landscape format) by April 15th to: .
Young Researchers' Dinner (NEW!)
On Thursday 25th at dinner time we have organized a separate table for Young Researchers to facilitate interaction, communication and discussion among the new generation of researchers in PHAROS. Whoever is feeling Young and a Researcher :), is welcome to sign-up for it during Registration.
Scientific Organizing Committee
Danai Antonopoulou (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Poland)
Gergely Barnafoldi (Wigner Research Centre, Hungary)
Sebastiano Bernuzzi (U. Jena, Germany)
Enrico Bozzo (U. Geneva, Switzerland)
Marica Branchesi (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy)
Pablo Cerda' Duran (U. Valencia, Spain)
Morgane Fortin (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Poland)
Bryn Haskell (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Poland)
Ian Jones (U. Southampton, UK)
Michela Mapelli (U. Innsbruck, Austria)
Alessandro Patruno (U. Leiden, The Netherlands)
Jose' A. Pons (U. Alicante, Spain)
Costança Providencia (U. Coimbra, Portugal)
Nanda Rea (CSIC-IEEC, Spain)
Laura Tolos (CSIC-IEEC, Spain; U. Frankfurt, Germany)
Patrick Weltevrede (U. Manchester, UK)
Roberta Zanin (Max Plank Heidelberg, Germany)
Local Organizing Committee
Alice Borghese (U. Amsterdam, NL/CSIC-IEEC, Spain)
Stefano Carignano (U. Barcelona, Spain)
Francesco Coti Zelati (CSIC-IEEC, Spain)
Enrique Mestre (CSIC-IEEC, Spain)
Nanda Rea (CSIC-IEEC, Spain)
Laura Tolos (CSIC-IEEC, Spain)
For more info contact: