The study of the formation and evolution of protoplanetary disks around young stars saw a tremendous boost by the advent of ALMA and the development of new capabilities in the infrared and radio telescopes, thanks to the huge combined improvement in sensitivity, angular resolution, and image fidelity. However, the role of magnetic fields in the formation and evolution of disks around young stars is still a poorly understood topic. Are protoplanetary disks and protostellar jets magnetized? Polarimetric observations are the primary means to obtain information regarding the magnetic fields. However, this technique can be hampered by other polarization mechanisms such as dust self-scattering, radiation alignment of aspherical grains or anisotropic resonant scattering of linear polarization of molecular lines. The main goal of this focused meeting is to bring together observers and theoreticians interested in the study of magnetic fields in protoplanetary disks and protostellar jets as well as polarization mechanisms to review the current state of the research and explore effective means to probe magnetic fields.
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