15-17 December 2020
Europe/Madrid timezone

Predicted molecular states recently found: LHCb pentaquarks, X0(2866) and Omega(2012)

17 Dec 2020, 14:20


Eulogio Oset Baguena (IFIC- University of Valencia-CSIC)


I shall report on predictions made for hidden charm molecular states from the meson baryon interaction which are in good agreement with the findings of the LHCb collaboration on the pentaquark states.
Similarly, predictions were done for a molecular exotic state from the D Kbar interaction which also agree with the LHCb findings of the X0(2866). Another state was predicted from the meson-baryon decuplet interaction, an Omega excited state, which again is in very good agreement with the recent Belle findings of the Omega(2012) state.

Primary author

Eulogio Oset Baguena (IFIC- University of Valencia-CSIC)

Presentation Materials

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