4-6 May 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

Blind Observers of the Sky

4 May 2022, 15:00


Hector Gil-Marin (ICCUB - Barcelona)


I will present the novel technique for blinding redshift-spectroscopic data and avoiding the human bias towards the established state-of-the-art models, such as LCDM. The blinding technique relies on a theoretically-motivated shift of the radial distances (or redshift) of spectroscopically detected galaxies, in such a way that the sample effectively behaves as if its underlying cosmology were different from the actual one, both in background and perturbation signals. The approach is validated on BOSS data and mocks, for both BAO and RSD type of analyses. This is the actual blinding approach addopted by the on-going DESI survey, which will deliver its firts cosmology results by summer 2023.

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