Contributed Talks
- Juan Urrutia (KBFI)
- Jam Sadiq (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
- Diego Blas (IFAE/ICREA)
- María Caballero-García (IAA-CSIC)
- Borja Anguiano (Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon (CEFCA))
The Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS) is a medium sized space mission (previous candidate for M5) of the European Space Agency (ESA), currently proposed for M7 for evaluation (phase A) and with possible launch (if approved) in 2037. Its main objectives are the Early universe research through the observation of gamma rays (GRBs) and the study of electromagnetic...
I will present our recent work to show how ULDM generates modulation of GWs to be detected by LISA, and how this can be used to detect ULDM in so far unconstrained parameter space.
We created the APOGEE-GALEX-Gaia catalog to study white dwarf (WD) binaries. This database aims to create a minimally biased sample of WD binary systems identified from a combination of GALEX, Gaia, and APOGEE data to increase the number of WD binaries with orbital parameters and chemical compositions. We identify 3414 sources as WD binary candidates, with non-degenerate companions of spectral...
Reconstructing the properties of the astrophysical population of binary compact objects in the universe is a key science goal of gravitational wave detectors. This goal is hindered by the finite strain, frequency sensitivity and observing time of current and future detectors: implying that we can in general observe only a selected subset of the underlying population, with limited event...