4-6 May 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

The last 10 billion years of cosmic structure growth

4 May 2022, 10:30


Carlos Garcia-Garcia (University of Oxford)


The current constraints on the S_8 parameter are subject of debate. Cosmic shear observations show a lower value than that predicted by Planck. For instance, KiDS finds results 3\sigma away from Planck's value and data from DESY1 also points in the same direction. In this talk I will show the data driven reconstruction of the evolution of the S_8(z) parameter from a combination of 6 different data sets that include galaxy clustering, weak lensing and CMB lensing (with DESY1 and KiDS-1000 among them). I will show that these data constrain the amplitude of fluctuations in the range 0.2 \lesssim z \lesssim 2 and give consistent growth histories. Furthermore, I will show that in the range 0.2 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.7 current data prefer a lower value than that predicted by Planck and that it is mostly driven by cosmic shear observations.

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