4-6 May 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

Strong Blended Lyman alpha absorbers as a new BAO tracer

4 May 2022, 15:15


Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols (online) (IFAE - Barcelona)


The standard Lyman alpha BAO analysis includes the Lyman alpha autocorrelation and its cross-correlation with quasars. One of the main contaminants, that we mask whenever possible, are DLAs and, in general, galaxies in absorption. However, one can take these galaxies, detected also as Strong Blended Lyman alpha absorbers, and use them as BAO tracers. I will present the first BAO measurement using these tracers and discuss the necessary steps to include them to the standard Lyman alpha BAO analysis, improving the constraints by at least aournd 10%

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