26-29 July 2022
David Brower Center and UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
US/Pacific timezone

Working Groups

When registering, please use the text field to indicate your preferred working groups, in order of preference. Each participant can take part in three working groups but please select more than three to facilitate the scheduling.

* WG1 - S11 [1H(p, e+ ν)2H] and theory, extrapolations, radiative corrections, electron capture, neutrino spectra

Conveners: L. Marcucci (Univ. Pisa), J.-W. Chen (Natl. Univ. Taiwan)

* WG2 - Solar neutrino observations, helioseismology, asteroseismology

Conveners: F. Villante (Univ. L'Aquila), A. Serenelli (ICE), H. Robertson (Univ. Washington)

* WG3 - S114 [14N(p, γ)15O]

Conveners: R. James deBoer (Notre Dame U.), Tamás Szücs (ATOMKI)

* WG4 - S12 [2H(p, γ)3He]

Conveners: F. Cavanna (INFN Torino)

* WG5 - S17 [7Be(p, γ)8B]

Conveners: L. Gialanella (Univ. Studi Campania)

* WG6 - S112 [12C(p, γ)13N], other CNO, NeNa

Conveners: R. Depalo (Univ. Milano), Ch. Iliadis (Univ. North Carolina)

* WG7 - S34 [3He(4He, γ)7Be] and S33 [3He(3He, 2p)4He]

Conveners: D. Bemmerer (HZDR), K. Nollett (San Diego State)

* WG8 - New facilities: LUNA-MV, JUNA, NIF, etc

Conveners: M. Aliotta (Univ. Edinburgh), A. Tumino (Enna Univ.), M. Wiescher (Notre Dame Univ.)

* WG9 - Opacity, screening

Conveners: T. Nagayama (Sandia), J. Colgan (Los Alamos),  B. Balantekin (UW-Madison)

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