1D model atmospheres (in session "Session 4: Model atmospheres and determintion of classical parameters")
3D model atmospheres (in session "Session 4: Model atmospheres and determintion of classical parameters")
A variational approach for near surface effects (in session "Session 9: Surface effects")
Ages for Gaia benchmark stars (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Asteroseismic measurements of stellar rotation and asphericity (in session "Session 5: Seismic inferences")
Description of stellar models grid v1.0 (in session "Session 3: Stellar models and the pulsation grid")
Discussion (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
Discussion (in session "Session 9: Surface effects")
Discussion (in session "Session 8: Final data output (mass, radius, age) to be delivered")
Discussion (in session "Session 7: Stellar rotation and activity")
Discussion (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Discussion (in session "Session 5: Seismic inferences")
Discussion (in session "Session 4: Model atmospheres and determintion of classical parameters")
Discussion (in session "Session 3: Stellar models and the pulsation grid")
Discussion (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
Discussion (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
Eclipsing binaries in PLATO SPF from TESS (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Fundamental effective temperature from EBs (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Fundamental parameters for M dwarfs (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Goals of the meeting
HD and MHD models of angular momentum transport and differential rotation (in session "Session 7: Stellar rotation and activity")
HH exercises on rotation measurements: methods and results (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
Inferring stellar properties of subgiant stars: results from a H&H exercise (in session "Session 5: Seismic inferences")
Infrared flux method (IRFM) (in session "Session 4: Model atmospheres and determintion of classical parameters")
Interferometric observations of benchmark stars (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Interferometry and surface brightness colour relations (in session "Session 4: Model atmospheres and determintion of classical parameters")
Lightcurve preparation for asteroseismic analysis (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
Limb darkening (in session "Session 4: Model atmospheres and determintion of classical parameters")
Mission Status: PDC preparation and deadlines (in session "Session 1: The PLATO Mission: update")
Mission Status: PSM preparation and deadlines (in session "Session 1: The PLATO Mission: update")
Mission Status: the ESA perspective (in session "Session 1: The PLATO Mission: update")
Models for angular momentum evolution of late-type stars (in session "Session 7: Stellar rotation and activity")
Near-surface effect correction for PLATO (in session "Session 9: Surface effects")
Overview of pipeline for determination of classical parameters (in session "Session 4: Model atmospheres and determintion of classical parameters")
Overview of pipeline for extracting seismic parameters (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
Overview of the pipeline for rotation and activity measurements (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
Parameters for synthetic pulsation spectra (in session "Session 3: Stellar models and the pulsation grid")
Preparation of lightcurves for rotation and activity analysis (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
Recent advances in spot modelling (in session "Session 7: Stellar rotation and activity")
Recent advances in the physics of sunspots and starspots (in session "Session 7: Stellar rotation and activity")
Requirements on Data Analysis Support Tools (in session "Session 1: The PLATO Mission: update")
Results from tests of stellar physics uncertainties (in session "Session 3: Stellar models and the pulsation grid")
Results of spectroscopic H&H (in session "Session 4: Model atmospheres and determintion of classical parameters")
Seismic inferences on main-sequence stars: results from a H&H exercise (in session "Session 5: Seismic inferences")
Selection and verification of final results: mass, radius, age and chemical composition (in session "Session 8: Final data output (mass, radius, age) to be delivered")
Selection and verification of non-seismic data (in session "Session 8: Final data output (mass, radius, age) to be delivered")
Selection and verification of seismic data (in session "Session 8: Final data output (mass, radius, age) to be delivered")
Spectroscopic orbits for astrometric binaries from Gaia (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Stellar flares in photometric time-series data (in session "Session 7: Stellar rotation and activity")
Surface convection models (in session "Session 7: Stellar rotation and activity")
The Amplitude of Solar p-mode Oscillations from Three-dimensional Convection Simulation (in session "Session 9: Surface effects")
The ground-based follow-up program (in session "Session 1: The PLATO Mission: update")
The PLATO Input Catalog (in session "Session 1: The PLATO Mission: update")
Time-dependent convection models (in session "Session 9: Surface effects")
Towards an optimal set of calibration stars for PLATO (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Using patched models (in session "Session 9: Surface effects")
WP128 Community data analysis exercises (in session "Session 2: Preparation and analysis of PLATO lightcurves")
WP 125500 remit and progress (in session "Session 6: Benchmark stars, calibration stars")
Wrap up and actions (in session "Wrap-up and actions")
Include materials from selected contributions